Financial constraints and corporate governance as moderating variables for the determinants of tax avoidance
Received February 10, 2022;Accepted March 20, 2022;Published March 22, 2022
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Article InfoVolume 19 2022, Issue #1, pp. 274-286
Cited by2 articlesJournal title: Journal of Economics and International RelationsArticle title: Іmprovement financial management of enterprise taking into account technologies for attracting additional financial resourcesDOI: 10.26565/2310-9513-2023-17-09Volume: / Issue: 17 / First page: 94 / Year: 2023Contributors: Kateryna Oriekhova, Оlena Golovko, Оlena Khristoforova, Maksym BabenkoJournal title: Jurnal AkuntansiArticle title: CSR's Role In Tax Avoidance: Impact Of Financial Performance And Green AccountingDOI: 10.24912/ja.v28i3.2374Volume: 28 / Issue: 3 / First page: 518 / Year: 2024Contributors: Muhammad Ivanda, Dwi Orbaningsih, Umi Muawanah
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the effect of financial constraints and corporate governance as moderating variables on the determinants of tax avoidance, which includes foreign activity, corporate social responsibility, and political connections. All companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2019 are the objects of this study. The panel data regression was used to address the research question. The findings show that foreign activity, corporate social responsibility, and political connections significantly affected tax avoidance with alpha 5%. The results also show that corporate governance can reduce the positive impact of foreign activity, corporate social responsibility, and political connection on tax avoidance with alpha 1%.
Moreover, financial constraints may strengthen the positive impact of corporate social responsibility on tax avoidance with alpha 5%. The findings further provide empirical evidence about one of the strategies businesses use to conduct tax avoidance, notably foreign activity, corporate social responsibility, and political connection. Thus, companies that implement good corporate governance could reduce corporate tax avoidance acts, which can harm the company’s image and lead to a decrease in company value. This study discovered a new proxy for measuring financial constraints, as well as developments in the political connection.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G30, H26, M41
- Table 1. Regression results for Model 1
- Table 2. Regression results for Model 2
- Table A1. Companies with political connections
- Table B1. Financial constraint score
- Table C1. Descriptive statistics
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Data curation
Dica Lady Silvera
Funding acquisition
Dica Lady Silvera
Project administration
Dica Lady Silvera
Dica Lady Silvera
Dica Lady Silvera
Writing – original draft
Dica Lady Silvera
Dica Lady Silvera
Achmad Hizazi
Achmad Hizazi, M. Syurya Hidayat
Achmad Hizazi, M. Syurya Hidayat, Sri Rahayu
Achmad Hizazi, Sri Rahayu
Achmad Hizazi, M. Syurya Hidayat
Formal Analysis
M. Syurya Hidayat, Sri Rahayu
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Sri Rahayu
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The relationship between corporate social responsibility and earnings management: accounting for endogeneity
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 69-84 Views: 4705 Downloads: 560 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and earnings management after controlling for endogeneity of CSR. Using a sample of non-financial firms listed on Korean Securities Market between 2002 and 2010, this study finds that ignoring endogeneity biases the estimated relation between CSR and earnings management. Specifically, the results show that the negative and significant relation between CSR commitment and discretionary accruals reported in the previous studies becomes insignificant. However, the negative and significant relation between CSR commitment and real activities manipulation remains significant even when the endogeneity of CSR commitment is taken into account. Therefore, this study provides evidence that proactive CSR engagement significantly affects firm’s practice of real activities manipulation, while it does not affect its practice of discretionary accruals. These results indicate that CSR commitment leads managers to be more responsible in management of operational activities than in accruals management.
Does board composition have an impact on CSR reporting?
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 19-35 Views: 4614 Downloads: 1731 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯCorporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting plays a key role in management control, particularly in light of the increased demand for non-financial reporting after the financial crisis of 2008–2009. This literature review evaluates 47 empirical studies that concentrate on the influence of several board composition variables on the quantity and quality of CSR reporting. The author briefly introduces the research framework that underpins current empirical studies in this field. This is followed by a discussion of the main variables of board composition: (1) committees (audit and CSR committees), (2) board independence, (3) board expertise, (4) CEO duality, (5) board diversity (gender and foreign diversity), (6) board activity, and (7) board size. The author, then, summarizes the key findings, discusses the limitations of the existing research and offers useful recommendations for researchers, firm practice and regulators.
Corporate governance and financial performance: an empirical analysis of selected multinational firms in Nigeria
Gideon Tayo Akinleye , Odunayo Olarewaju, Bamikole Samson Fajuyagbe doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #1 pp. 11-18 Views: 3579 Downloads: 584 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study focused on corporate governance and performance of selected Nigerian multinational firms from 2012 to 2016. Specifically, the study focused on the effect of board size, activism and committee activism on return on asset and firm growth rate. Secondary data collected from four multinational firms were analyzed via static panel estimation techniques. While board size and board activism exerted significant negative impact on return on asset, committee activism exerted insignificant impact. The results of the study further showed that board size and board activism exert insignificant negative impact on firm’s growth rate, while committee activism insignificantly spurs firm’s growth rate. Decisively, discoveries from this study reflect that corporate governance has significant negative impact on return on asset, but has insignificant influence on the growth rate of Nigerian multinational firms. Based on these findings, the authors recommended that corporate governance dynamics in firms world over should be reconsidered, such that it gives credence to more than just numbers of persons or meetings held, but the main reasons and deliberations in such meetings. It was also recommended that excessive increase in magnitude or frequency of meetings held by board of directors cum committee should be avoided.