External labor migration in the context of marketing research (evidence from Russia)
Article InfoVolume 15 2019, Issue #1, pp. 30-41
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The answer to the question about the labor migrants attraction economic effect on the national economy of the recipient countries remains uncertain. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to determine the necessity and significance of mass labor migration for the economic development of recipient countries in general and Russia in particular. During the study, the authors implemented the following tasks:
1) to identify and assess the contradictions that occur at the micro and macro levels in the host country using migrant labor;
2) to calculate the most essential economic indicators of the efficient use of foreign labor in Russia (based on 2016 data);
3) to assess the contribution of migrant labor to the GDP; and
4) to clarify the impact of all levels of taxes and fees for patents by legal migrants and evasion of such payments by illegal migrants on revenues and expenditures of budgets, accompanied with state budget expenditures to investigate illegal activities (sometimes criminal in nature) with the subsequent deportation of such migrants from the country.
Marketing research has shown that contradictions arising at the micro and macro levels are revealed, which explains the effect of the “migration trap”; the low efficiency of using foreign labor in the Russian economy has been proved, as evidenced by the insignificant share of GDP produced by migrants and significant leaks of a part of GDP from the country’s economy through the transfer of funds to donor countries; an imbalance between the needs of the national economy for additional labor by industries and the actual use of foreign labor entering the Russian market is shown; weak influence of the state on the national labor market and the lack of systemic regulation of the quality of training and the scope of migrant labor are revealed.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)М38, J62
- Table 1. Relative employment rates of migrants and sectoral wages in the Russian Federation in 2016 (%)
- Table 2. Data on the migration situation in Russia and transfers of migrants in 2015 and 2016
- Table 3. Number and share of Russia’ GDP produced by legal migrants in 2016
- Table 4. Results of using the migrant workers in the Russia’s economy in 2016
- Table 5. Number of employees required for vacant jobs and the distribution of migrants by economic activities
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