Evaluation of social and economic insecurity risks for employees during structural transformations in the modern labor market
Article InfoVolume 10 2020, Issue #1, pp. 1-10
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This article systematizes main factors of socio-economic insecurity aggravation for employees during structural transformations, which take place on the modern labor market. These factors are related to inefficient employment and low level of labor productivity, regressive mobility of the employed population, loss of educational and labor potential of the country, low competitiveness of its labor force both in domestic and foreign labor markets, increase of unemployment among able-bodied people and informal employment, especially among young people and higher-level professionals, widening the gender gap in the employment structure to the benefit of older age groups. A methodological implementation of the assessments of social and economic insecurity risks for employees has been developed and verified in the study. It is based on comparing performance levels in particular components in specific time intervals. It is substantiated that, due to changes in the structure of the labor market and in the system of social and labor relations, the main factors of increasing the vulnerability of employees are related to the deindustrialization of the national economy, which is accompanied by formation of a regressive educational and professional structure of employed, as well as by the loss of motivation for productive work and increase in the professional level, reduction of social protection of employees, the growth of informal employment among young people and highly qualified specialists. High scale of labor migration and low demand for specialists in the internal labor market, low wages lead to loss of labor and educational potential and narrow the conditions for the development and realization of the country’s human capital.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J60, O15
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