Evaluating the effect of investor culture on internal control reporting and investor perceptions of disclosure credibility
Article InfoVolume 21 2024, Issue #4, pp. 314-322
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Investors expect internal control reports to improve disclosed information credibility by demonstrating effective risk management, compliance, and transparency. Investment culture influences these expectations by shaping risk perception, emphasizing long-term stability, and setting standards for corporate governance. Thus, investment culture emphasizes robust internal control to enable a more thorough evaluation of investment opportunities. This study examines the relationship between internal control reporting and investor perception of disclosure credibility mediated by investor culture. The survey approach involved 166 respondents from 57 Jordanian brokerage firms. The partial least squares (PLS) method was used for analysis. The results showed that investor perception of disclosure credibility was influenced by internal control reporting as PV 0.000 and that investor culture positively mediated between the two variables as PV 0.000. Investors thus rely on internal control reporting to ensure the credibility of disclosure and aid their investment decisions. This study provides foundational knowledge to policymakers to design successful internal control reporting policies and support systems.
I’m indebted to the University of Tabuk – KSA for the support of this article.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M42, M48, G11, G41
- Figure 1. Testing of path coefficient
- Table 1. Questionnaire items
- Table 2. Convergent validity
- Table 3. HTMT values
- Table 4. R² and Q² of the endogenous variables
- Table 5. Testing of path coefficient
- Table 6. Indirect effect
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