Enterprise value management based on the stakeholder approach
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #3, pp. 356-372
- Cited by
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The need to ensure the growth of enterprise value in the context of strengthening intangible factors’ role in its formation and maintaining sustainable development of society requires the introduction of new value-oriented management models, taking into account the interests of a wide range of stakeholders.
The paper aimed to develop an approach to enterprise value management based on the stakeholder approach. Based on the presented conceptual vision of the enterprise as an SRPR system (stakeholders-resources-processes-results), a two-level system of SRPR value indicators for the main stakeholder groups has been developed, as well as an integral indicator of sustainable economic value added (EVA), which allows assessing the potential growth of enterprise value through a sustainable network of stakeholders. The possibility of using SRPR indicators in the process of planning activities has been substantiated: a model for maximizing EVA is formulated subject to a number of restrictions reflecting the standards of relationships with stakeholders, its transformation into a matrix of SRPR indicators.
The results of approbation of the proposed approach by questioning processing and wholesale trade enterprises in the B2B segment are presented, confirming the compliance of the proposed system of indicators with the interests of stakeholders and implementation at Europroject Ukraine LLC, which proved its practical value.
The need for further empirical studies of the dependence of EVA on changes in indicators of satisfaction of stakeholders’ interests is emphasized.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)М10, М21, G32
- Figure 1. Enterprise as an SRPR system
- Figure 2. Pyramid of SRPR indicators
- Figure 3. Matrix of SRPR indicators
- Table 1. Financial interests of stakeholders and their contribution to the development of the enterprise
- Table 2. Personalized performance indicators that reflect the financial interests of stakeholders
- Table 3. Model of integrated assessment of EVA storage potential
- Table 4. Indicators of the enterprise resource and process state
- Table 5. Expectations of stakeholders from resource exchange and the problem of ensuring effective enterprise development
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