Empirical analysis of the effect of work stress on employee productivity in the banking industry
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #3, pp. 117-129
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This paper analyzes the effect of workplace stress on employee productivity in the service industry with reference to bankers. The study was carried out to identify the job stress of Nigerian bankers as it will be of interest to the management to evaluate their staff performance. The study used survey design with a sample size of 400 working staff from select banks in Benin City, Edo State; this was premised on the purposive sampling method. The study adopts primary data with the aid of questionnaire, which was administered to respondents to collect data. The data collected were analyzed using regression analysis. The result from the regression analysis indicated that employee workload, role ambiguity, and role conflict were statistically significant with a value of P > 0.05. The value of the Adjusted R2 of 64% reveals that the variability observed in the target variable is explained by the regression model. The study made recommendations that will enhance employee productivity in the banking industry in Nigeria.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M11, M12
- Table 1. Summary of reliability test
- Table 2. Demographics
- Table 3. Stress is a significant issue in the workplace
- Table 4. Stress plays a significant part in staff absenteeism at the workplace
- Table 5. Is your performance affected by work stress?
- Table 6. Different peoples demand different things from me that I find challenging to manage
- Table 7. My job often interferes with my family and social obligations or personal needs, and most of the time, I feel I have very little control over my life at work
- Table 8. I have unachievable deadlines
- Table 9. My working conditions as a banker are excellent
- Table 10. In general, I am not particularly proud or satisfied with my job
- Table 11. I am not clear what my duties and responsibilities are
- Table 12. My workplace environment is not very pleasant or safe
- Table 13. When I have role conflicts, my administrative head gives me the kind of support I need
- Table 14. Having to participate in banking activities outside of regular working hours is very stressful for me
- Table 15. Relationships between work stress and employee productivity
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