Effectiveness of reforms to eliminate obstacles in the development of sustainable energy in different countries of the world
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #3, pp. 1-13
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The development of strategy and tactics for reforms in the energy industry involves the identification of benchmark countries whose experience can form the basis of a quantitative assessment of the main targets of the reforms. The basis for such decisions can be the results of the integrated assessment of energy reforms in the EU countries for 2010–2021. This study aims to cluster these countries according to the integral indicator and determine specific directions in which the respective country needs to make progress in moving to another cluster. Thus, based on a linear model, the Fishburn formula, and variance analysis, 10 energy development indicators were combined into a single indicator that characterizes the effectiveness of energy reforms (for example, in 2021, it was the highest in Austria (0.612), Germany (0.644), and France (0.620); the lowest – in Latvia (0.383) and Croatia (0.369)). Based on this indicator, countries were clustered using the k-means method. Four clusters were formed: representatives of the highest first (Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Sweden, and Luxembourg) are strategic benchmarks for all EU countries, and representatives of other clusters are tactical benchmarks for countries from lower clusters. The average values of all 10 indicators of energy development were calculated. Their low values are a sign that this direction should be a priority when carrying out reforms, and their quantitative estimates can be used as specific targets when setting strategic and tactical tasks (transition to a higher cluster or achieving average values in one’s cluster).
The research was funded by a Fellowship agreement for a research fellowship in the framework of the 11th funding round within the Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q48, Q42, P28, Q51
- Figure 1. Cluster distribution
- Figure 2. Plot of means for each cluster
- Figure 3. Two-Way joining results
- Table 1. Weighting coefficients for the assessment of the effectiveness of reforms to eliminate obstacles in the development of sustainable energy
- Table 2. Clusters of countries according to the reform effectiveness rank
- Table 3. Cluster means
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