Driving remote team success through knowledge management practices in the Jordanian high-tech industry
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #2, pp. 708-720
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to investigate the influence of remote work on team effectiveness in high-tech enterprises in Jordan, specifically focusing on knowledge management as a mediator. The study utilized a quantitative research design, with 254 participants actively participating in remote work settings across high-tech firms in Jordan. The sample was chosen based on the participants’ personal experiences with remote work arrangements, which provide valuable insights into the interplay between remote working conditions and team dynamics. The paper designed a structured questionnaire to elicit responses from employees about the variables under investigation. The survey data were analyzed using SmartPLS4 to validate the theoretical framework and research hypotheses. The results show a significant positive relationship between remote work and team effectiveness, as well as an improvement in knowledge management practices under telework conditions. Knowledge management practices refer to communicative activities regarding the systematic collection, organization, sharing, and application of knowledge resources. The importance of effective knowledge management practices is realized in remote settings, primarily through increased team efficiency and productivity. These results are statistically significant (p = 0.000), which stresses the importance of effective remote teamwork with regard to knowledge management.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M15, M54, O33
- Table 1. Measuring instruments
- Table 2. Demographics results
- Table 3. Indicator reliability and convergent validity
- Table 4. Discriminant validity by HTMT
- Table 5. Hypotheses testing
- Table 6. Testing the mediating effect
- Table A1. Study questionnaire
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