Digitalization as a development factor of innovative-active university
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #4, pp. 213-231
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A characteristic feature of the XXI century is the emergence of the digital society phenomenon, which significantly changes all processes in higher education. The implementation of innovations into university activity, creation of its digital culture, and digital environment are the key features of an innovative-active university (IAU) and factors of its development. The paper aims to develop a strategy and innovative-indicative measures for digitalization of IAU activities based on the study of society’s digital maturity. Index, rating, comparative analyzes, and decomposition method were used. It is determined that Ukraine has a significant gap in comparison with the developed countries in terms of digital maturity of society and occupies lower than average positions in international informatization indices. To assess the state of digitalization processes in Ukraine, government measures for the development of digital culture were analyzed, the limitations and triggers of society digitalization are identified. It is proved that the digitalization of education has a dominant impact on the overall level of digital competitiveness. That is, the introduction of information and communication technologies in the IAU activity is an urgent task of its management. The digitalization strategy of S.Kuznets KhNUE in accordance with its educational, scientific and technical, marketing, and international activities was created. The proposed strategy is based on a systemic understanding of digitalization processes, which makes it possible to increase the degree of their controllability. A set of innovative and indicative measures was developed, which constitute the tactical contour of IAU digital process management.
The following materials were used in writing this paper: Development of methodological and model-information support for the construction of an innovative type university on the basis of education quality and anti-corruption (state registration number: 0120U102152).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I21, I25, I28
- Figure 1. Scheme of the methodical approach to developing a digitalization strategy for the spheres of university activity
- Figure 2. Dynamics of indicators of informatization of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine
- Figure 3. Dynamics of places of digital competitiveness rating components of Ukraine
- Figure 4. Dynamics of Ukraine’s place by sub-factors of the knowledge component
- Figure 5. Vectors of digitalization of Ukrainian education
- Figure 6. Components of the digitalization strategy of an innovative-active university – S.Kuznets KhNUE
- Figure 7. Transformation of education forms
- Figure 8. The scheme of combining traditional and virtual forms of learning
- Figure 9. Directions of priority forms of education
- Figure 10. Three-level model of personal educational system in S.Kuznets KhNUE
- Table 1. Ratings of the digital economy of the world according to various indices
- Table 2. Changes in the place of countries in the ranking of digital competitiveness
- Table 3. Characteristics of factors that hinder the development of digitalization of society in Ukraine
- Table 4. Monitoring student learning outcomes for 2018–2021
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