Development of entrepreneurial competencies through informal education


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The relevance of the study lies in identifying modern and effective tools for the formation and development of entrepreneurial competencies in the informal education system, which is extremely relevant and in demand not only among higher education students, but also among specialists in various fields of activity. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal tools of informal education for the effective development of entrepreneurial competencies of both students and specialists in modern conditions. The basic entrepreneurial competencies necessary for a specialist to create, develop and manage a business are highlighted, and the main differences between employees with entrepreneurial competencies and employees without them are pointed out. The study summarizes the main directions in the field of informal education for the formation of entrepreneurial thinking, culture, skills, entrepreneurship support institutions, as well as the main online platforms for learning. It is substantiated that entrepreneurship education is strengthened in terms of innovation, technology transfer and business creation both at enterprises and in higher educational institutions. The findings confirm that businesses are either hiring professionals with entrepreneurial competencies or investing in training programs to help develop competencies of existing employees, and are increasingly using informal education tools in conjunction with formal training.

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    • Figure 1. Порівняння працівників залежно від наявності у них підприємницьких компетентностей
    • Figure 2. Основні підприємницькі компетентності
    • Figure 3. Напрями у сфері неформальної освіти із формування підприємницького мислення, культури, навичок
    • Figure 4. Інституції підтримки підприємництва
    • Figure 5. Платформи для неформального навчання підприємництву
    • Conceptualization
      Alla Vasylyk, Iryna Varis, Oksana Kravchuk
    • Data curation
      Alla Vasylyk, Oksana Kravchuk
    • Investigation
      Alla Vasylyk, Iryna Varis, Oksana Kravchuk
    • Project administration
      Alla Vasylyk, Iryna Varis
    • Resources
      Alla Vasylyk, Iryna Varis, Oksana Kravchuk
    • Software
      Alla Vasylyk, Iryna Varis
    • Visualization
      Alla Vasylyk, Iryna Varis
    • Writing – original draft
      Alla Vasylyk, Oksana Kravchuk
    • Formal Analysis
      Iryna Varis, Oksana Kravchuk
    • Funding acquisition
      Iryna Varis, Oksana Kravchuk
    • Methodology
      Iryna Varis
    • Supervision
      Iryna Varis, Oksana Kravchuk
    • Validation
      Iryna Varis, Oksana Kravchuk
    • Writing – review & editing
      Iryna Varis, Oksana Kravchuk