Destination image and its consequences in the perspective of four-stage loyalty model (an empirical evidence from visitors of Tarakan City, Indonesia)
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #2, pp. 269-278
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The study was conducted to test the postulate of four-stage loyalty model through the concept of destination image to represent cognitive component, satisfaction for affective aspect, and intention loyalty as the representative of conative component. The sample in this research was 102 tourists who visited Tarakan City, Indonesia in November 2016. The structural equation model showed that destination image was satisfaction antecedent, and satisfaction was the antecedent of intention loyalty. The impact of destination image towards intention loyalty was fully mediated by satisfaction. Theoretically, this research result had the implication in developing loyalty theory, while the managerial implication was beneficial to increase visitors loyalty to Tarakan City as a tourism destination.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31
- Figure 1. Four-stage loyalty model: sustainer and vulnerabilities
- Figure 2. Results of a structural model
- Table 1. Measurement model evaluations
- Table 2. Effects of destination image on intention loyalty
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