Cyber-security effect on organizational internal process: mediating role of technological infrastructure
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #1, pp. 449-460
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Adopting the technologies among organizations comes with the continuous worries of protection and hacking. The idea of cyber-security has become over the years the main interest of many organizations, which depend on technologies in its operations, which requires them to pay extra attention to their technological infrastructure. The current study aims at examining the influence of cyber-security forces on organizational internal operations and the role of technological infrastructure in defining and controlling the level of protection that cyber-security has on organizational internal processes. Quantitative approach was adopted, and a questionnaire was utilized to collect the data from a convenient sample of 360 software engineers, network engineers, software testers, web developers, and technical support using a structured survey questionnaire, and analyzed using SPSS version 21. The results confirmed that cyber-security motivators (data growth, technology expansion, access to required resources, operational control, and technical control) indirectly affect solid internal processes that are attributed to the consistency of technological infrastructure in an organization. The variable of ‘data growth’ appeared to be the most influential motivator on cyber-security strategies, as it scored a mean of 4.2661, which is the highest among all adopted variables and followed by the variable of ‘technical control’, which scored a mean of 4.1296. Accordingly, the study recommends that organizations should consider IT infrastructure as a main item within their risk management strategies to avoid unpredicted risks and attacks.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M15, L86
- Figure 1. Conceptual framework relating cyber-security motivators to technological infrastructure and internal processes adapted
- Figure 2. Chart for path analysis results
- Table 1. Age
- Table 2. Gender
- Table 3. Education
- Table 4. Position
- Table 5. Descriptive statistics
- Table 6. Descriptive statistics
- Table 7. Path analysis
- Table 8. Amos results
- Table 9. Estimates for direct and indirect impact
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