Customer performance and non-financial organizational performance of the Nepalese cellular telecommunications industry
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #2, pp. 132-144
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The study assessed a product or service by customers that met their needs and aspirations. It sought to examine the influence of non-financial customer performance (CP) measures on non-financial organizational performance (NFOP) in the Nepalese cellular telecommunications industry (NCTI). Using a structured questionnaire survey instrument, it employed a descriptive research approach. This study’s population included all the global system for mobile (GSM) customers of Nepal Telecom (NT) and Ncell. The sample comprised 385 customers delineated through non-probability sampling techniques. The study’s targeted respondents were postgraduate understudies, service holders, business people, and self-employed individuals. The survey instrument was composed of three sections comprising 28 data collection questions. A statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) and analysis of moment structures (AMOS) programming were used to analyze the collected data. The study applied confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), path analysis (PA), and structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the significance of the hypothesized paths. It was found that CP had a positive and significant relationship with NFOP in NCTI, with customer retention (CR) being a better predictor, followed by customer loyalty (CL), customer satisfaction (CS), and customer acquisition (CA). This was a cited representative study, not exhaustive, and would help to understand the key drivers of CP in the NCTI.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L25, L32, L86
- Figure 1. The study structure
- Figure 2. The study model
- Table 1. General information on the respondents
- Table 2. Reliability measures
- Table 3. Validity measures
- Table 4. Parameter estimates
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