Competition at product markets of various types of commodities
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #2, pp. 334-347
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This article is devoted to researching the peculiarities of the competitive environment at the markets of various types of commodities (goods). Competition analysis allows making conclusions about the effectiveness of the market to identify the factors of development, market infrastructure weaknesses and provide recommendations to address these problems, and to identify priorities for the market competition development. This, in turn, will contribute to finding ways to improve the competitiveness of products. Timely and adequate assessment of the level of competition is not just a part of analytical instruments for the research of the market environment; this is a necessary condition for effective activity of market participants. The peculiarities of competition at the markets of various types of goods were analyzed: the flower market, the juice market and the market for consulting services. In the course of the research, there were determined the factors that influence the competition, also were identified the main trends of its development.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M11, М30, М31, O11, O14
- Figure 1. Distribution of market shares on the flower market of Ukraine in 2017
- Figure 2. Distribution of market shares (%) on the juice market of Ukraine in 2017
- Figure 3. Distribution of market shares (%) on the consulting services market of Ukraine in 2017
- Figure 4. Structural analysis of flower products
- Figure 5. Structural analysis of juice market products
- Figure 6. Structural analysis of consulting services
- Table 1. Dynamics of sales volume
- Table 2. Cross-elasticity calculation
- Table 3. Indicators of the level of development of competition for markets of various types of goods
- Table 4. The boundaries of the change of the aggregated index of competition
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