Oksana Pankova
1 publications
0 books
Providing constructive interaction of subjects of labor relations based on social dialogue and social responsibility
Oksana Pankova , Oleksandr Kasperovych , Oleksandr Ishchenko doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/slrtp.9(1).2019.02Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 9, 2019 Issue #1 pp. 14-26
Views: 515 Downloads: 111 TO CITEThe article presents the results of research on the interaction of subjects of social-labor relations on the basis of assessment of the state and dynamics of the main factors influencing it (on the basis of sociological studies and other data). The state and main problems of development of key subjects – trade unions and employers’ associations are analyzed, the main factors that negatively influence their activity are determined. The basic scheme used for analysis of the main social factors that determine the interaction of subjects of social and labor relations is the conceptual triad “trust – awareness – motivation”. The conditions of activating the constructive interaction of subjects of social and labor relations in the context of the principles of social responsibility and social dialogue are determined. The main ones are increasing mutual trust, creating an effective communication system, as well as having the will to reconcile interests and readiness for dialogue and compromise. The basic requirements to the modern informational-communicative strategy of interaction of subjects of social-labor relations are substantiated. In particular, they include the following: implementation of the principles of social dialogue and social responsibility; orientation on the possibilities of modern information and communication technologies; orientation on the solution of the most acute problems in the field of social-labor relations; creation of effective mechanisms of feedback between communication actors. Basing on the results of the analysis, the directions and conditions for the activation of constructive interaction between the participants of the social dialogue are proposed and substantiated, in the context of the state and dynamics of key social and socio-psychological factors.
Problems, obstacles and opportunities for the formation of a system of social and legal protection of platform workers in Ukraine: expert assessments
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 11, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 49-64
Views: 172 Downloads: 49 TO CITEDigitalization of the economy, the formation of a new technological base of “Industry 4.0” lead to fundamental changes in the social and labor sphere. Labor relations and employment sphere gain qualitatively new format and content. There is an emergence and rapid spread of a new, platform-network system of social and labor relations (SLR), which is reproduced and operates on a fundamentally different basis than the traditional SLR system. Regulated, long-term, collective labor relations are being replaced by fundamentally new ones - one-time, individualized, short-term (“economy of tasks”). Traditional systems of collective bargaining and state regulation do not work in the conditions of formation of “platformized” social and labor relations, the possibility of social and legal protection of employees on digital work platforms is questioned, norms of labor law, demand of responsibility of the parties, mechanisms of the decision of labor disputes in the newest network-digital system of SLR are not defined. In this situation, the problems of social and legal protection of employees in the digital segment need to be addressed as soon as possible, given the fact that the number of platform employees in Ukraine is growing. The author’s research is based on the generalization of the results of the expert survey on the problems of formation of a new quality of working life in the conditions of digital transformations (September 2021). It is aimed at revealing the main problems, risks, obstacles in ensuring social and legal protection of platform workers, as well as to substantiate measures to overcome them through a comprehensive regulatory framework for the platform segment of employment in Ukraine. The expert survey revealed the main features of an effective system of legal and social protection of platform workers and the conditions of its comprehensive provision; opportunities for the formation of mechanisms for representing the collective interests of those employed on the platforms; identified key actors capable to protect their rights and interests; conditions for the exit of platform employment from the “shadow”; substantated the need to implement a national platform for social dialogue on a network-digital basis.