Alexander Belov
1 publications
0 books
National strategic development of the state: concept and meaning
Strategic planning of socio-economic state development in Ukraine is at the stage of forming. After independence, Ukraine refused the state long-term planning. State development took place in tactical and operational regimes. There were attempts to develop development programs for a longer period, but these programs remained largely unrealized. Thus, the problem of ensuring the national strategic development of Ukraine that allows overcoming the crisis and increasing the competitiveness of its economy on the world market, has occurred as important issue. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of the concept of national strategic development To achieve this the evolution of the concept of "strategy" and modern scientific classification approach to its definition, the meaning of the concept of "development" and the concept of "national strategy" was created, which is strengthening the position on the world stage. If the opposite happens, then such a strategy should be considered as anti-national. The author's classification of types of national strategic development of the state is developed. The meaning of the national strategic development of the state with the help of such a category as its potential is revealed. The system of potentialities of the economic system is considered and it is proved that the core of the national strategic development in a post-industrial society is the state scientific and technical potential. Strategic development, which is in creating the state's economy on the strong scientific and technical potential, when science moves from the scope of the nonprofit sector, or how it is positioned in the state strategy 2015 - as the "pride" of Ukraine, in the category of important productive force of economy, the achievement of its integration into production is able to provide a high level of productivity, and therefore a high standard of living, significant GDP per capita GDP ratios and standard of living, quality of life, etc.