Assessment of the socio-economic and environmental development of a region: A result-oriented approach
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #2, pp. 40-56
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Assessment of the socio-economic and environmental development of regions is one of the main tasks of regional policy, especially in the context of the decentralization reform in Ukraine. Biased and unsubstantiated assessment can disorient management bodies and significantly reduce efficiency and effectiveness of management, which leads to negative consequences. The paper aims to assess the development of Ukrainian regions based on the result-oriented approach. The analysis of available methodical approaches to the assessment has shown that they have significant conceptual flaws and do not provide a reasonable and transparent assessment. The proposed methodical approaches are as follows: the use of a model of sustainable development and assessments in the social, economic and environmental fields; transition from an integral indicator to a limited range of key indicators (results); use of additional indicators that complement the main ones; calculation of the rating of a region in the world; determination of the trend of changes in key indicators over the past 10 years; qualitative assessment of the regions’ state based on thresholds. Based on the proposed approach, the socio-economic and environmental development of Odesa region is assessed.
This publication was prepared within the framework of the scientific project “Organizational and economic mechanism of increasing productivity of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine” at the expense of the budget program “Support of priority areas of scientific research development” (КПКВК6541230).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O18, P25
- Figure 1. Ranking positions of Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv and Ternopil regions in the rating of socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions in 2015–2018
- Figure 2. Index of physical volume of GRP in Odesa region in 2008–2018, percent (2008 = 100 %)
- Figure 3. GRP structure in Odesa region in 2008 and 2018
- Figure 4. Capital investment in Odesa region in 2008–2018, interest rate to GRP
- Figure 5. Internal current expenses for R&D in Odesa region in 2008–2018, percent to GRP
- Figure 6. Disposable income index in Odesa region in 2008–2018, percent (2008 = 100 %)
- Figure 7. The area of residential buildings commissioned in Odesa region in 2008–2018, m² per 1 thousand people
- Figure 8. The number of students in higher education establishments in Odesa region in 2008–2018, people per 10 thousand population
- Figure 9. 4th class waste generation in Odesa region in 2010–2018, kg per 1 person
- Figure 10. 4th class waste disposal in Odesa region in 2010–2018, percent
- Figure 11. 4th class waste accumulation in Odesa region in 2010–2018, tons per person
- Figure 12. Air emissions from stationary sources of pollution in Odesa region in 2010–2018, kg per person
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