Accounting systems in developing countries under sustainability: first glance from Ukraine and Ghana
Article InfoVolume 2 2018-2019, Issue #1, pp. 37-46
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The dissemination of sustainability reporting and integrated reporting is a key trend in the development of accounting systems under the influence of the concept of sustainable development. This statement is fair not only for developed countries, but also for developing countries. On the example of Ghana and Ukraine, a comparative study of regulatory requirements and conceptual frameworks for the compilation of sustainability reporting and integrated reporting has been conducted; the dynamics, size of reporting companies, their sectoral affiliation and the standards used are researched. It was proved that the basis for the promotion sustainability reporting and integrated reporting in these countries are regulatory requirements, as well as increasing the perception of CSR, the transparency and accountability of business, the practices of stakeholder participation and assurance the reliability of reporting for stakeholders.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M40, M48, Q01
- Figure 1. Number of SR in Ghana and Ukraine for the period of 2008–2018
- Figure 2. SR in Ukraine for the period of 2008–2018 by the companies’ size
- Figure 3. Standards for preparation sustainability reporting in the EU and Ukraine in 1999-2016
- Table 1. SR in Ukraine for the period of 2008–2018 by the companies' sector
- Table 2. SR in Ghana for the period of 2008–2018 by the companies’ sector
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