Academic management of university virtual education: An analysis from the perception of students, teachers, and managers


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Currently, many universities are developing virtual education as an option for the training of future professionals. The objective of this study is to analyze aspects of the academic management of university virtual education from the perspective of students, teachers, and administrators. A mixed approach and non-experimental design were applied. Semi-structured interviews and surveys were used. The participants were 8 managers, 340 students, and 75 teachers from Peru, Colombia, Mexico, and Spain, from universities where virtual education is offered. The results show that 51% of teachers agree with the management, 50% accept the adequate use of technological tools, and only 20% say that virtual classes are effective. Concerning students, 45% agree with the management, but only 15% feel that they are attended to when problems arise in the virtual modality. The managers determine relevant aspects such as the importance of teacher training, having technological tools to ensure learning, and providing a comprehensive academic service, as is provided in the in-person modality. It is concluded that academic management in the virtual modality should prioritize the improvement of satisfaction levels of both students and teachers through adaptation processes, training, performance evaluation, attention, and problem-solving, as well as the use of virtual platforms that allow the development of competencies of the graduate profile and contribute to the comprehensive training of future professionals.

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    • Figure 1. Teachers’ perceptions of the university virtual modality
    • Figure 2. Teachers’ perception of the conditions for the development of virtual university education
    • Figure 3. Students’ perceptions of the university virtual modality
    • Table 1. Sample of the study
    • Table 2. Aspects of the academic management of the university virtual modality
    • Conceptualization
      Carola Salazar-Rebaza, Monica Zegarra-Alva
    • Data curation
      Carola Salazar-Rebaza, Monica Zegarra-Alva, Franklin Cordova-Buiza
    • Formal Analysis
      Carola Salazar-Rebaza
    • Methodology
      Carola Salazar-Rebaza
    • Resources
      Carola Salazar-Rebaza
    • Validation
      Carola Salazar-Rebaza, Monica Zegarra-Alva
    • Writing – original draft
      Carola Salazar-Rebaza, Monica Zegarra-Alva, Franklin Cordova-Buiza
    • Writing – review & editing
      Carola Salazar-Rebaza, Monica Zegarra-Alva, Franklin Cordova-Buiza
    • Investigation
      Monica Zegarra-Alva, Franklin Cordova-Buiza
    • Project administration
      Monica Zegarra-Alva
    • Supervision
      Franklin Cordova-Buiza