Creativity development as an imperative for strategic human resource management
Article InfoVolume 12 2022, Issue #2, pp. 40-48
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The article is devoted to the development of creativity using methods and tools of strategic human resource management. As a result of a number of factors, the need for every organization to create is increasing as the main source of its competitiveness and business success. The author examines different approaches to creativity and gives her own vision of its characteristics with other related concepts. With this in mind, creativity is not just any creative action, but creativity in the field of specific business processes, focused on profit (income) by satisfying certain needs of consumers, both real and potential. Unlike other manifestations of creativity, the article puts forward and substantiates the idea of creativity as a strategic imperative, the achievement of which requires a purposeful and coordinated interaction of all processes in the field of personnel management. To ensure the imperative, it is necessary to develop a human resource management strategy focused on the creative development of personnel and the organization in general. The strategy of managing the creative development of personnel allows you to build a cycle of creativity with a certain sequence of elements, as well as to develop a mechanism for reproducing this cycle. The article analyzes HR technologies that contribute to the development of creativity of human resources. A new look at the problem is the justification of the need for methods of “soft” creativity management by creating a favorable environment for its development.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)М12, 031, 010
- Figure 1. Етапи розробки стратегії розвитку персоналу організації
- Figure 2. Взаємозв’язок процесів управління персоналом на основі стратегічного імперативу «креативність»
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