Analysis of the impact of digitalization on demand and supply on the Ukrainian labor market

  • Received June 24, 2022;
    Accepted September 7, 2022;
    Published November 25, 2022
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 12 2022, Issue #1, pp. 26-40
  • Cited by
    3 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

The article indicates the impact of digitalization and automation of manufacturing processes on demand and supply on the Ukrainian labor market. The analysis showed the positive effects of digitization, which stabilize the situation in the domestic labor market. In particular, in the extreme conditions of the pandemic and war, these are the emergence of new digital professions, the possibility of remote work, the individualization of forms of employment and conditions of cooperation for the personal needs of labor market entities. The concept of digital professions has been introduced as a creative labor activity, since it is associated with the promotion, security of functioning and the expanded practice of digital technologies in manufacturing processes in any sphere of economic activity. The trend of increasing the number of digital practitioners in the wake of the worldwide trend of inducing a global information society has been grounded. The consequences of digitalization are shown that hinder the effective functioning of the labor market and manifest themselves in the increase in unemployment due to the emergence of unnecessary workers whose skills are impractical in digitized reality, the outflow of personnel to foreign labor markets, and the increase in inequality of the population in labor opportunities. The necessity of interaction between educational institutions, business and the state in achieving a balance of supply and demand in the labor market of Ukraine in the context of digitalization is emphasized.

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    • Figure 1. Динаміка попиту і пропозиції на ринку праці України (за період січень-квітень 2018–2022 рр.), тис осіб
    • Figure 2. Розподіл вакансій за секторами економіки і класами працівників (2021 р.), %
    • Figure 3. Зайняте населення у сільському господарстві і промисловості та їх частка у загальній кількості населення за регіонами (2019 р.)
    • Table 1. Динаміка структури вакансій за видом економічної діяльності (2018–2021 рр.), тис одиниць
    • Conceptualization
      Alina Barash, Iryna Petrova
    • Formal Analysis
      Alina Barash, Iryna Petrova
    • Investigation
      Alina Barash, Iryna Petrova
    • Methodology
      Alina Barash, Iryna Petrova
    • Visualization
      Alina Barash
    • Writing – original draft
      Alina Barash, Iryna Petrova
    • Writing – review & editing
      Alina Barash, Iryna Petrova
    • Data curation
      Iryna Petrova
    • Project administration
      Iryna Petrova
    • Supervision
      Iryna Petrova
    • Validation
      Iryna Petrova