Mental health of staff under quarantine restrictions


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The article considers the approaches to the management of the mental health of staff in the context of quarantine restrictions based on human-oriented values. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current factors influencing the mental health of staff as an important management problem, the solution of which involves the use of innovative methods and management practices for its preservation and improvement. The study substantiated the need to assess the factors of negative impact on the mental health of staff in order to eliminate them or reduce their effects. It has been proven that ensuring the mental health of staff is one of the main tasks of organizations, as the socio-economic losses from its deterioration are significant. In the course of research of theoretical approaches to an estimation of indicators of a condition of mental health of the personnel the own point of view on value and urgency of its preservation for the organizations is formed; the importance of its impact on staff productivity is determined. The method of sociological research determined that in the conditions of remote regime during quarantine such factors (causes) of stress as: overtime, work without breaks, low level of recognition and remuneration, lack of employment guarantees, insufficient support of managers, managers and/or colleagues, high emotional involvement of employees, poor communication, negatively affect the mental health and productivity of staff. Approaches to improving the mental health of staff based on innovative management practices have been developed.

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    • Figure 1. Результати відповідей респондентів на запитання «Чи вважаєте ви свою роботу стресовою?»
    • Figure 2. Результати відповідей респондентів на запитання про фактори стресів на роботі
    • Figure 3. Результати відповідей респондентів на запитання про психоемоційні наслідки погіршення ментального здоров’я
    • Conceptualization
      Svetlana Rudakova, Liudmyla Shchetinina, Nataliia Danylevych, Yaroslav Kasianenko, Taras Kytsak
    • Data curation
      Svetlana Rudakova, Nataliia Danylevych
    • Project administration
      Svetlana Rudakova
    • Investigation
      Svetlana Rudakova
    • Supervision
      Svetlana Rudakova
    • Visualization
      Svetlana Rudakova, Liudmyla Shchetinina, Nataliia Danylevych, Yaroslav Kasianenko, Taras Kytsak
    • Writing – review & editing
      Svetlana Rudakova, Liudmyla Shchetinina
    • Writing – original draft
      Svetlana Rudakova, Liudmyla Shchetinina, Nataliia Danylevych, Yaroslav Kasianenko, Taras Kytsak
    • Methodology
      Liudmyla Shchetinina, Nataliia Danylevych