Patterns and trends in research on external public debt management
Article InfoVolume 13 2024, Issue #1, pp. 14-29
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This study undertakes a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of publications pertaining to the external public debt management system. The paper aims to study the evolution of scholarly discourse surrounding the external public debt management domain, highlighting contributions, methodologies, and collaborative networks within the field. The methodology encompasses a multivariate approach, incorporating extensive searches across the three major scientometric databases: Google Scholar (PoP), Scopus (in-built Scopus tools, SciVal), and Web of Science (in-built WoS instruments). The bibliometric analysis extends to contextual, evolutionary, and spatial dimensions, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the identified clusters. The ensuing clusters serve as a roadmap, categorizing publications based on their contextual relevance, evolutionary trajectory, and spatial focus, which enhances the identification of key works in the field, facilitating a nuanced understanding of the current state of external public debt management research. The synthesis of findings from the content-contextual block emphasizes a primary orientation toward understanding the dynamic interplay between external public debt management and economic development. Furthermore, the contextual-temporal block identifies four distinct stages in the evolution of research focus, highlighting the shifting emphasis over time. A discernible pattern of heightened research activity in external public debt management across various countries in recent decades is revealed through spatiotemporal analysis. The interdisciplinary nature of this field is underscored by the dominance of economics, econometrics, finance, business, management, and accounting in dedicated research.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)H60, H63, F34
- Figure 1. Statistical analysis of scientific publications
- Figure 2. Dynamics of published articles in the WoS database, from 1991 to August 2023, number of articles
- Figure 3. Dynamics of published articles in the Scopus database, from 1991 to August 2023, number of articles
- Figure 4. The Google Trends analysis of internet user queries related to external public debt management spanning from 2018 to August 2023
- Figure 5. Cluster analysis of scientific publications on the topic of “external public debt management”
- Figure 6. Prominent key phrases related to “external debt management”
- Figure 7. Temporal contextual map: Research trends in external public debt
- Figure 8. Geographical insights in external debt management bibliometric analysis
- Figure 9. Collaborative scholarly network map: Researchers’ affiliation-based interactions in external public debt management studies
- Figure 10. Organizations funding scientific research in Scopus
- Figure 11. Organizations funding scientific research in WoS
- Figure 12. Structural analysis of research on external public debt management by subject areas
- Figure 13. Key topics and thematic clusters in research areas of external public debt management
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