Impact of state finance on macroeconomic stability of Ukraine

  • Received October 13, 2017;
    Accepted November 8, 2017;
    Published November 22, 2017
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 6 2017, Issue #3, pp. 17-22
  • Cited by
    2 articles

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According to reports data of the International Institute of Management Development (IMD) and World Economic Forum (WEF), contries’ competitiveness tendencies were defined: rate of global competitiveness index remains lower than the rate, achieved before the global financial and economic crisis, non-linear distribution of benefits from economic growth between EU countries, Ukrainian rating falling by macroeconomic stability by 21 points in 2017 in comparison with 2018. It is not unexpected that realization of countries’ policy concerning their competitiveness growth requires some cost. Thus, author supposes that it is important to study key aspects of state finance, which can have great impact on the international competitiveness and solve the country’s macroeconomic stability problem. This paper shows results of author’s own research, carried out using methodic tools of scientists Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran Abdolmajid Ahangari and Aziz Arman. It is based on evaluation of instability time rows of four economic variables of inflation (TINF), the ratio of budget deficit on growth domestic product (GDP) (TBD), foreign debt on GDP (TFD) and exchange rate deviation from the previous period (TRO) and calculation of macroeconomic instability index on their base MIItn. Research showed that all variables of macroeconomic instability index MIItn have a positive correlation; therefore, subindex of inflation rate instability and subindex of exchange rate to the previous period have the largest impact on the macroeconomic instability index MIItn .

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    • Figure 1. Macroeconomic instability index and economic growth of Ukraine during 1995-2015 (own calculations based on Eurostat data)
    • Table 1. Changes in the international competitiveness indices in 2004-2017 (IMD, 2017, 2009, 2004; WEF, 2017-2018, 2009-2010, 2004-2005)
    • Table 2. Calculation of macroeconomic instability index MIItn on the example of Ukraine in 1995-2015 (own calculations based on Eurostat data)
    • Table 3. Correlation matrix of macroeconomic instability index MIItn and its subindices dependence on the example of Ukraine in 1995-2015 (own calculations based on Eurostat data)