Performance of South African private-public partnerships

  • Published May 11, 2016
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  • Article Info
    Volume 14 2016, Issue #2, pp. 19-26
  • Cited by
    3 articles

Huge monetary investments are made towards private-public partnerships (PPPs) in an effort to develop South Africa. These PPPs are based on emulations from international benchmarks. Many developed countries benefit from skillful use of PPPs. The paper is based on concerns that, in South Africa, many PPP projects do not reach finalization. Others only reach finalization from additional funding after exhausting initial invested funds. Some causes of barriers of success of these PPPs are reported. Respondents are 39 past PPP participants. A self-administered unstructured questionnaire was used to collect qualitative data. Thematic content analysis was used to analyze the data. The results show negligence and wrong deployment as main causes of the failures in which the government side is a grave wrongdoer. Recommendations found to be necessary for improving PPP performance are suggested

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