Strategic management and management of personnel costs: employing young people in the Slovak Republic
Published March 2, 2016
Author(s)Link to ORCID Index:
, Jana Žuľová , Adam MadleHák
Article InfoVolume 14 2016, Issue #1 , pp. 79-84
Cited by8 articlesJournal title:Article title:DOI:Volume: / Issue: / First page: / Year:Contributors:Journal title:Article title:DOI:Volume: / Issue: / First page: / Year:Contributors:Journal title:Article title:DOI:Volume: / Issue: / First page: / Year:Contributors:Journal title:Article title:DOI:Volume: / Issue: / First page: / Year:Contributors:Journal title: Business: Theory and PracticeArticle title: SELECTED ASPECTS OF THE MARKETING OF BUS TRANSPORT COMPANIES DURING COVID-19DOI: 10.3846/btp.2023.18964Volume: 24 / Issue: 2 / First page: 473 / Year: 2023Contributors: Eva Kicova, Olga Ponisciakova, Zuzana RosnerovaJournal title:Article title:DOI:Volume: / Issue: / First page: / Year:Contributors:Journal title: Marketing and Management of InnovationsArticle title: Auditing and controlling as a tool for sme marketing risk managementDOI: 10.21272/mmi.2021.1-17Volume: / Issue: 1 / First page: 225 / Year: 2021Contributors: Vaclav Kupec, Premysl PísarJournal title:Article title:DOI:Volume: / Issue: / First page: / Year:Contributors:
This paper focuses on evaluating strategic management of the labor market through legislated active labor market measures introduced in the Slovak Republic to support youth employment. Based on the presented statistical data and managerial and legal analysis of the labor market in the Slovak Republic, with particular emphasis on the economic status of young people, two key parts of the adopted strategic document should provide better economic security for young adults. From the point of view of employers the initiatives are an attractive means for incorporating young adults into the economy, especially because this allows for increased active management of personnel costs that are directly related to compensatory incentives from the side of state agencies for employment of young people. This strategic management creates possibilities for employers to gain access to lower labor costs and to realize significant cost savings. Supporting data are presented graphically and at the same time the cost savings for employers are calculated. Overall, these two analyses demonstrate the practical effect of the new strategic measures on corporate management of personnel costs