The impact of information management strategies on decision-making effectiveness in Jordanian private hospitals


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This study aimed to investigate the impact of information management strategies on decision-making effectiveness in Jordanian private hospitals. It examines how data accuracy, accessibility, technology adoption, and information system integration influence decision-making effectiveness while considering the critical mediation role of organizational culture. A quantitative approach was employed; structured questionnaires were used to collect data from healthcare professionals in selected Jordanian private hospitals, which included hospital administrators, IT staff, and clinical managers. The total sample consisted of 357 out of 400 sent questionnaires. The study utilized partial least squares (PLS) and structural equation modeling (SEM) to assess the relationships between the variables. Based on β and R2 values, the results indicated that information management strategies significantly affect decision-making effectiveness, in addition to a vital role of organizational culture. The results indicate that data accuracy, accessibility, technology adoption, and information system integration influence decision-making effectiveness. Additionally, it stresses that organizational culture significantly influences the relationship between information management strategies and decision-making effectiveness in private hospitals in Jordan.

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    • Figure 1. Conceptual framework
    • Figure 2. Measurement and structural model (extracted from SmartPLS 4.1)
    • Table 1. Study sample and response rates
    • Table 2. Sample profile
    • Table 3. Factor loadings, construct reliability, and validity
    • Table 4. Heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT) – Matrix
    • Table 5. Fornell–Larcker criterion
    • Table 6. Model fit
    • Table 7. Path coefficients
    • Table 8. Indirect path coefficients
    • Table A1. Questionnaire: Demographics
    • Table A2. Questionnaire: Research part
    • Data curation
      Dhia Qasim
    • Funding acquisition
      Dhia Qasim
    • Investigation
      Dhia Qasim
    • Methodology
      Dhia Qasim
    • Supervision
      Dhia Qasim
    • Validation
      Dhia Qasim
    • Writing – original draft
      Dhia Qasim
    • Conceptualization
      Abdallah Q. Bataineh
    • Project administration
      Abdallah Q. Bataineh
    • Software
      Abdallah Q. Bataineh
    • Writing – review & editing
      Abdallah Q. Bataineh, Waheeb Abu-Dawwas
    • Formal Analysis
      Waheeb Abu-Dawwas
    • Resources
      Waheeb Abu-Dawwas
    • Visualization
      Waheeb Abu-Dawwas