Professional advancement of women to leadership roles in Moroccan sports federations
Article InfoVolume 23 2025, Issue #1, pp. 225-237
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study explores the dynamics of career anchors shaped by organizational, individual, and societal determinants in relation to women’s access to leadership positions in Moroccan sports federations. In a historically male-dominated setting, understanding these dynamics is essential for promoting more equitable and sustainable career progression. Between January and June 2024, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 28 female leaders from 12 federations, employing a qualitative interpretive approach and thematic analysis using NVivo 14. The findings highlight two anchors specific to the Moroccan socio-cultural context (family and social support and religious and cultural beliefs), which reveal the impact of cultural pressures and familial responsibilities that may hinder women’s advancement. Additionally, six other career anchors prevail in sports: emotional and professional security, managerial competencies, resilient challenge, technical skills, transformative commitment, and global outlook. The interplay of individual, organizational, and societal factors, along with these career anchors, shows that older women seek to make a lasting impact, while younger women prioritize challenges. Family and cultural support helps balance personal life and ambitions, while the development of managerial skills and a supportive work environment proves crucial. Moreover, the economic context, religious beliefs, cultural norms, and international legal frameworks heavily influence women’s career choices, prompting them to pursue stability, ethical alignment, and global opportunities. This study provides decision-makers with a clear understanding of the factors shaping women’s career trajectories and suggests tangible actions (fostering inclusive governance, advancing gender equality, and shifting mindsets) that can enhance the overall performance of the Moroccan sports sector.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D87, J71, L83
- Figure 1. Hierarchical diagram – Distribution of career anchors by number of references
- Figure 2. Percentage distribution of career anchors among women leaders in Moroccan sports
- Figure 3. Mapping codes and sub-codes of key determinants derived from the coding of interviews with women
- Table 1. Matrix cross-referencing key determinants and dominant career anchors in the Moroccan federal sports sector
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