Mapping emotional intelligence and job performance: A bibliometric and thematic analysis
Article InfoVolume 23 2025, Issue #1, pp. 1-22
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This study aimed to identify current research trends and future directions in the field of emotional intelligence and job performance through bibliometric and thematic analysis. Data were collected from 327 documents published between 2000 and 2024 in the Scopus database. Using descriptive statistics, bibliometric analysis, and thematic analysis with VOSViewer software, the findings indicate that the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance has been a longstanding research focus and continues to grow, especially in fields like business and management, with concentrated research efforts in leading developed nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Thematic analysis identified five primary research directions and confirmed the strong relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance. Particularly in critical fields like education, healthcare, information technology, banking, and hospitality, this topic has received considerable attention and is expected to continue producing notable research in the future. Additionally, the study’s findings suggest that the rapid advancement of science and technology, multicultural business environments, and the increasing complexity of workplace crises and conflict resolution underscore the necessity for continued exploration of emotional intelligence and its connection to job performance. Future research in this area is anticipated to diversify and expand across various industries and organizational types, adapting to the evolving demands of modern business settings.
This study is a product of the doctoral dissertation project carried out under decision No. 4740/QD-ĐHDT dated October 18, 2023, from Duy Tan University, Vietnam.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12, M54, L29, J20
- Figure 1. Research process
- Figure 2. Number of relevant articles and citations
- Figure 3. Number of publications by country
- Figure 4. Visualization of international cooperation network among countries with a minimum of five publications
- Figure 5. Proportion of documents published by type
- Figure 6. Proportion of research by field of publication
- Figure 7. Co-citation analysis map with a minimum of 10 research articles
- Figure 8. Five cluster word cloud
- Table 1. Top five journals with the most publications on the topic
- Table 2. Top 10 authors with the most co-citations
- Table A1. Thematic analysis
- Table B1. Keywords for each cluster
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