Ukrainian students on the global map of academic migration


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Considering the loss of talented youth in Ukraine caused by migration, there is a growing need to investigate how to attract and retain students. The study aims to identify the peculiarities of Ukrainian student migration against the background of global patterns of academic migration, focusing on factors of countries’ attractiveness for the students. The typology of countries by the level of inbound and outbound academic migration is developed based on variation analysis. The correlation analysis is used to identify the factors that influence countries’ attractiveness to students. The analysis of educational policies of the most attractive countries for Ukrainian students is fulfilled using the contextual analysis of legislative norms on academic mobility. In the global dimension, the variation of both inbound and outbound academic mobility is closely related to a country’s economic level, measured by GNI per capita. However, the correlation analysis did not confirm the higher migration attractiveness of countries with a high level of economic development (correlation with GNI per capita is –0.147). The impact of employment and social and economic resilience of an economy was relatively significant, with the correlation coefficients of 0.426 and 0.371. The analysis of educational policies of host countries showed the active use of language integration tools, the combined use of financial mechanisms, and the involvement of universities in career development. Implementation of the best practices of educational management in Ukraine is critical for restoring demographic and intellectual capital.

This study is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine under the project “Higher education in the conditions of war and post-war recovery: Determinants of development to overcome threats to the restoring of human capital” (State registration number 0124U000351).

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    • Figure 1. Dynamics of international academic mobility in Ukraine
    • Figure A1. Correlation between the ranking of the main host countries by the level of immigration, including students, and the number of immigrants, including students
    • Table 1. Analysis of variance of the relationship between the levels of inbound academic mobility and economic development of the country
    • Table 2. Analysis of variance of the relationship between the levels of outbound academic mobility and economic development of the country
    • Table 3. Dynamics of Ukrainian students by country of study
    • Table 4. Correlation coefficients between the number of Ukrainian students and selected indicators of social and economic development
    • Table А1. Grouping of countries by the indicator of balanced level of academic mobility (as of 2021)
    • Table A2. Conditions for studying abroad for foreign, including Ukrainian students in selected countries
    • Data curation
      Natalia Samoliuk, Olha Hrynkevych, Halyna Mishchuk, Yuriy Bilan
    • Formal Analysis
      Natalia Samoliuk, Olha Hrynkevych, Halyna Mishchuk, Yuriy Bilan
    • Funding acquisition
      Natalia Samoliuk, Halyna Mishchuk
    • Investigation
      Natalia Samoliuk, Olha Hrynkevych, Halyna Mishchuk, Yuriy Bilan
    • Project administration
      Natalia Samoliuk, Halyna Mishchuk, Yuriy Bilan
    • Resources
      Natalia Samoliuk, Olha Hrynkevych, Halyna Mishchuk, Yuriy Bilan
    • Software
      Natalia Samoliuk, Olha Hrynkevych
    • Validation
      Natalia Samoliuk, Olha Hrynkevych, Halyna Mishchuk, Yuriy Bilan
    • Visualization
      Natalia Samoliuk, Olha Hrynkevych
    • Writing – original draft
      Natalia Samoliuk, Olha Hrynkevych, Halyna Mishchuk, Yuriy Bilan
    • Writing – review & editing
      Natalia Samoliuk, Olha Hrynkevych, Halyna Mishchuk, Yuriy Bilan
    • Conceptualization
      Olha Hrynkevych, Halyna Mishchuk, Yuriy Bilan
    • Methodology
      Olha Hrynkevych, Halyna Mishchuk, Yuriy Bilan
    • Supervision
      Halyna Mishchuk, Yuriy Bilan