Examining the influence of work environment and compensation on employee job satisfaction: A case study of Al-Hoty Analytical Services in Bahrain
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #4, pp. 340-351
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study examines the impact of compensation and work environment on employee job satisfaction at Al-Hoty Analytical Services in the Kingdom of Bahrain. In a competitive global market, optimizing workplace conditions is crucial for enhancing employee morale and organizational performance. A sample of 152 employees from various departments at Al-Hoty Analytical Services was surveyed using a structured questionnaire, applying saturated sampling within a quantitative research framework. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 26. The results indicate that the physical work environment significantly contributes to higher levels of job satisfaction, emphasizing the importance of a well-designed workspace. The social work environment, while positively correlated with satisfaction (p = 0.926), did not significantly impact overall satisfaction (β = 0.385, p < 0.001). In contrast, both direct and indirect compensation had significant positive effects on job satisfaction, with direct compensation having a stronger influence (β = 0.273, p < 0.001) than indirect compensation (β = 0.238, p = 0.001). The study provides practical insights for organizational leaders and contributes to the broader understanding of job satisfaction dynamics.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J28, M12, M54
- Figure 1. Regression histogram
- Figure 2. Normal P-P plot of regression standardized residuals
- Table 1. Gender breakdown
- Table 2. Cronbach’s Alpha
- Table 3. Descriptive statistical analysis
- Table 4. Correlational analysis
- Table 5. Regression analysis
- Table 6. ANOVA
- Table 7. Coefficients
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