Public management of scientists’ potential as a source of economic development: A bibliometric analysis


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Particular hopes have always been placed on the potential of scientists because they can act as a driving force for effective government. Understanding the importance of scientists ensured progress and prosperity for leading civilizations. This study aims to identify an evolutionary-chronological, geographical, and contextual scientific landscape of the development and management of the potential of scientists through a comprehensive bibliometric analysis. Initially, 5619 publications in the Scopus database were selected from 1957 to 2023. The evolution of knowledge about the importance of public administration of scientific personnel began in 1957 and reached its peak in 2019. Authors from the USA, Great Britain, and Australia have published more about the significance of managing the potential of scientific personnel, and strong schools of knowledge about scientific personnel are concentrated in the USA, France, Canada, and Australia. The analysis of the research’s conceptual orientation shows that publications in environmental and social sciences dominate this sphere. In addition, the bibliometric analysis results show that public management of scientific personnel will bring benefits such as effective government policy decisions, increased innovation activity, commercialization, and improvement of the population’s social life. The results of this study lay the foundation for future research that should improve the management of scientific personnel’s potential.

This study is supported by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (AP19579256 “Mechanisms for empowering women in scientific activity in the interests of the development of the innovative economy of Kazakhstan”, 2023–2025).

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    • Figure 1. Research framework
    • Figure 2. Dynamics of publications during 2003–2023
    • Figure 3. Top authors related to the research topic
    • Figure 4. The subject structure of scientific publications in the Scopus bibliometric database from 1957 to 2023
    • Figure 5. Institutional affiliation of scientific works
    • Figure 6. Bibliometric network of co-authorship of scientific papers by country
    • Figure 7. Bibliometric network of co-authorship of scientific papers by country in time section
    • Figure 8. Bibliometric network of clusters of scientific works on the management of state policy: Formed by keywords
    • Table 1. Number of publications and number of scientists by countries of the world
    • Table 2. Description of the clusters formed by the co-author countries
    • Table 3. Description of the clusters formed by keywords
    • Conceptualization
      Dana Kangalakova, Zaira Satpayeva, Makpal Nurkenova, Arailym Suleimenova
    • Data curation
      Dana Kangalakova, Arailym Suleimenova
    • Formal Analysis
      Dana Kangalakova, Zaira Satpayeva, Arailym Suleimenova
    • Funding acquisition
      Dana Kangalakova
    • Investigation
      Dana Kangalakova, Zaira Satpayeva
    • Methodology
      Dana Kangalakova, Makpal Nurkenova
    • Project administration
      Dana Kangalakova, Zaira Satpayeva
    • Resources
      Dana Kangalakova, Zaira Satpayeva, Makpal Nurkenova
    • Software
      Dana Kangalakova, Makpal Nurkenova
    • Supervision
      Dana Kangalakova
    • Validation
      Dana Kangalakova, Zaira Satpayeva, Makpal Nurkenova
    • Visualization
      Dana Kangalakova, Zaira Satpayeva, Arailym Suleimenova
    • Writing – original draft
      Dana Kangalakova, Zaira Satpayeva, Makpal Nurkenova, Arailym Suleimenova
    • Writing – review & editing
      Dana Kangalakova, Zaira Satpayeva, Makpal Nurkenova, Arailym Suleimenova