Characteristics and features of Kazakhstan’s water security policy
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #2, pp. 654-666
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Amidst the complex geopolitical dynamics of Central Asia, Kazakhstan grapples with urgent water security issues exacerbated by climate change, underscoring the critical need to examine this issue within the context of regional security. Therefore, this study seeks to comprehensively analyze Kazakhstan’s water security policy, examining its various elements and components at national and regional levels. Using system analysis and statistical techniques, data were collected from an array of sources, including strategies, development plans, statistical reports, analytical articles, methodological guidelines, and official government and international organization websites. The analysis revealed key challenges in Kazakhstan’s water security, including deteriorating infrastructure, outdated management practices, vulnerability to floods and low water levels, inadequate training, and regulatory deficiencies. A novel approach is offered by examining current trends in Kazakhstan’s water security domain, which involves scrutinizing the activities of relevant state bodies and analyzing regulatory frameworks amid rapid climate shifts. Additionally, the heightened potential for conflict across the continent was recognized. Despite earnest attempts to mitigate these challenges, the country confronts imminent water shortages exacerbated by heightened consumption and dwindling runoff from neighboring states. In light of these findings, policymakers and stakeholders are urged to devise robust policies and management strategies aimed at fortifying water security and addressing the underlying vulnerabilities in this critical domain.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)О13, О44, Q28, Q25
- Table 1. Water resources in Central Asian countries as of 2022
- Table 2. Provision of water basins of the Republic of Kazakhstan with surface waters
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