Determinants of employee performance at public hospitals in Indonesia: Examining the moderating role of organizational culture
Received August 7, 2023;Accepted November 2, 2023;Published December 28, 2023
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Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #1, pp. 57-68
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Performance refers to the outcome or overall degree of achievement exhibited by an individual within a specified timeframe in executing duties about a range of potential outcomes, including conventional work outputs, goals, objectives, or mutually established benchmarks. With a moderated organizational culture, this study aims to analyze the effect of good corporate governance, organizational commitment, and internal controls on employees’ performance at public hospitals in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The paper employs an associative approach to the quantitative data type. The sample consists of 102 public hospital employees in North Sumatra, Indonesia. This study used a questionnaire to collect the data and SEM-PLS to analyze the data. The research results show that good corporate governance, organizational commitment, and internal control affect employee performance at public hospitals in North Sumatra, Indonesia (p < 0.05). Good corporate governance affects employee performance moderated by organizational culture (p < 0.05). Organizational commitment affects employee performance moderated by organizational culture (p < 0.05). Internal control affects employee performance moderated by the organizational culture at public hospitals in North Sumatra, Indonesia (p < 0.05). The implication is that organizational culture has a role attached to the individual level of an employee and as a strategy to improve employee performance.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I10, L32, M14
- Figure 1. Conceptual framework
- Table 1. Average variance extracted
- Table 2. Composite reliability
- Table 3. Cross-loadings
- Table 4. R-Square
- Table 5. Direct effects
- Table 6. Moderation effects
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Maya Sari
Data curation
Maya Sari, Dahrani, Nurul Aprilyani Sagala
Formal Analysis
Maya Sari, Dahrani
Maya Sari, Dahrani, Nurul Aprilyani Sagala
Maya Sari, Nurul Aprilyani Sagala
Maya Sari, Dahrani
Maya Sari, Nurul Aprilyani Sagala
Writing – original draft
Maya Sari, Nurul Aprilyani Sagala
Project administration
Dahrani, Nurul Aprilyani Sagala
Writing – review & editing
Perceived health risk, online retail ethics, and consumer behavior within online shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic
Yuniarti Fihartini, Arief Helmi
, Meydia Hassan
, Yevis Marty Oesman
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 17-29 Views: 4675 Downloads: 1751 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe risk of virus contracting during the COVID-19 pandemic has changed consumer preference for online shopping to meet their daily needs than shopping in brick-and-mortar stores. Online shopping presents a different environment, atmosphere, and experience. The possibility of ethical violations is higher during online than face-to-face transactions. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the influence of perceived health risk and customer perception of online retail ethics on consumer online shopping behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic, involving seven variables, namely perceived health risk, security, privacy, non-deception, reliability fulfillment, service recovery, and online shopping behavior. The data were collected through an online survey by employing the purposive sampling technique to a consumer who has shopped online during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. 315 valid responses were obtained and analyzed through quantitative method using SEM-Amos. The results showed that perceived health risk and four variables of online retail ethics including security, privacy, reliability fulfillment, and service recovery affected online shopping behavior. Meanwhile, non-deception was found to have an insignificant effect. The coefficient value proved perceived health risk to be more dominant in influencing online shopping behavior than the variables of online retail ethics. Thus, consumers pay more concern for their health during online shopping. However, positive consumer perceptions of the behavior of online retail websites in providing services also can encourage consumers to shop online during this pandemic.
Human resource management in promoting innovation and organizational performance
I Gede Riana, Gede Suparna
, I Gusti Made Suwandana
, Sebastian Kot
, Ismi Rajiani
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 107-118 Views: 3743 Downloads: 880 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯHuman resource management (HRM) is one of the elements enabling an organization to remain competitive in turbulence conditions. The effective practice of HRM makes competent and innovative employees contributing to the achievement of organizational objectives. This study aims to analyze HRM practices in creating innovation and organizational performance. The questionnaire was used to measure the respondents’ perceptions of variables used by a Likert scale. A survey of 126 manager samples and middle managers at export-oriented short and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Bali, Indonesia, was conducted to test the model. The analysis has shown that the proposed model was proven to be compliant with the research hypotheses. HRM significantly affects organizational performance and innovation, and it was found out that innovation can improve organizational performance. However, in the process of simultaneous testing, it was found out that innovation cannot improve organizational performance. The lack of attention to investments in human resources became one of the barriers to SMEs in creating innovation.
Positive contribution of the good corporate governance rating to stability and performance: evidence from Indonesia
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 1-11 Views: 3363 Downloads: 326 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper aims to examine the impact of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) practice on bank stability and performance. Governance is measured using the GCG rating that covers eleven aspects. The authors apply instrumental regression to link governance to performance and stability. The study covers a sample of 150 banks. The result shows that bank stability can mediate bank governance and bank performance. On the determinant of bank performance, it can be concluded that the GCG rating is positive and directly influences bank performance. Bank stability is also positive for bank performance indicating the indirect contribution of the GCG rating to bank performance. NPL, LDR, CAR and bank’s size (LASSET) are all negative and significant. The aim of this paper is to provide strong empirical evidence on the importance of governance and stability for performance. The limitations of this paper are the size of the sample and that it only covers public banks which are theoretically required to apply better governance in all aspects of their business by the Capital Market Authority.