Effectiveness of public administration of the digital economy in Kazakhstan
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #3, pp. 125-137
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The digitalization of the economy has become one of the modern concepts in many countries and added urgency for governments to embark on a new path for effective digital and data governance. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of public administration of the digital economy in Kazakhstan, focusing on the policies, regulations, and strategies implemented by the government to support the development of this sector. The paper also explores the challenges faced by the government and the private sector in implementing these policies and regulations, including issues related to infrastructure, human capital, and the regulatory environment. It uses interdisciplinary, analytical, and systemic approaches, as well as desk research, analysis of materials of international organizations, and analysis of legal documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and data from expert surveys. Thus, the results indicate the main scientific categories of the digital economy. Modern trends in the development of the digital economy in the world and the Republic of Kazakhstan have been identified. The results also show key performance indicators of public administration, assess the effectiveness of public administration of the digital economy in Kazakhstan, and offer directions for improving the efficiency of public administration of the digital economy. The study concludes by offering recommendations for policymakers to enhance the effectiveness of public administration of the digital economy in Kazakhstan.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O38, H83
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