Job delight and organizational citizenship behavior: Role of teamwork cohesion as a mediator
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #1, pp. 131-140
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In light of a turbulent work environment, employee performance is considered a critical issue for organizations. Hence, management must set effective strategies and policies to stimulate and enhance employee performance. This study aims to analyze the importance of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) since it could affect individual and organizational outcomes in the context of the insurance sector in Jordan. Through keeping employees delighted and maintaining teams’ solidarity and cohesion, employees are expected to display more OCBs. Data were collected from 240 employees working in the insurance sector in Jordan. The paper aims to better understand the job delight and OCB constructs and their effect on teamwork cohesion.
The results of structural equation modeling showed that OCB was significantly related to job delight and teamwork cohesion. Moreover, teamwork cohesion was found to be significantly related to job delight. In addition, the results demonstrated that teamwork cohesion was a partially significant mediator between job delight and OCB. As such, a high level of employee delight combined with cohesive team members was proposed to encourage employees to display organizational citizenship behaviors.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J28, 015, M12
- Figure 1. CFA/Structural model
- Table 1. Descriptive statistics, correlation coefficients, and reliabilities
- Table 2. Measures of validity
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