Sustainable socio-economic development and Rainbow Europe Index
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #4, pp. 408-421
The issues of recognizing the rights of the LGBTQ+ community around the world and developing appropriate anti-discrimination policies and laws are one of the main topics for discussion in the global agenda. This is due to the commitment of the world community to protect human rights and meet the needs of society. The paper aims to assess the relationship between socio-economic development indicators of some European countries and the Rainbow Europe Index. To find out how discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community affects various social and economic development indicators of some European countries, a data matrix was developed and the Spearman rank correlation coefficient was calculated. The obtained results confirmed a positive relationship between the Rainbow Europe Index and GDP per capita, the Human Development Index, the Corruption Index, and the Index of Happiness. Calculations have shown that the Rainbow Europe Index had a significant impact on these indicators. The study proved the dependence of indicators and demonstrated the need to provide freedoms and rights for LGBTQ+ affiliated members in Ukraine and other European countries.
This paper is published as a part of research projects “Convergence of economic and educational transformations in the digital society: modeling the impact on regional and national security” (No. 0121U109553) and “Reforming the lifelong learning system in Ukraine for the prevention of the labor emigration: a coopetition model of institutional partnership” (No. 0120U102001).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E60, E71, F22, F62
- Figure 1. Relationship between the Rainbow Europe Index and other indicators, 2013–2019
- Figure 2. Average values of given indicators with a clear line of Rainbow Europe Index for Ukraine and Georgia
- Figure 3. Average values of given indicators with a clear line of Rainbow Europe Index for Germany and Poland
- Figure 4. Average values of given indicators with a clear line of Rainbow Europe Index for Sweden and the Netherlands
- Figure 5. Average values of given indicators with a clear line of Rainbow Europe Index for Spain and Italy
- Figure 6. Average values of given indicators with a clear line of Rainbow Europe Index for Moldova and Romania
- Table 1. Relationship between phenomena
- Table 2. Primary data and indicators for some European countries
- Table 3. Relationship between the indicators and Rainbow Europe Index
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