Effect of strategic leadership capabilities on the development of organizational citizenship behavior
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #4, pp. 97-109
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Committed employees always demonstrate their organizational citizenship behavior by offering services beyond their leaders’ expectations. They achieve their goals under the leadership of executives with the capabilities to guide the organization to the future. This study examines the impact of strategic leadership capabilities on organizational citizenship behavior in companies offering mobile services in Zimbabwe. To collect data, a survey research method is employed using a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. Ninety-four questionnaires were randomly distributed to employees of three mobile service providers and a sector regulator in Harare province, Zimbabwe. Eighty-seven questionnaires were completed and returned. Data analysis follows a multiple regression method using the IBM SPSS v27 software to test hypotheses. The study also employs the Sobel test to investigate the mediation effect of organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior. Regression model results show that strategic leadership capabilities have a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior. They further have a statistically significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior through organizational commitment. The results suggest that strategic leaders in the mobile phone sector in Zimbabwe should develop and strengthen strategic leadership capabilities to drive the commitment of their employees to encourage the development of organizational citizenship behavior. Committed employees will offer their services beyond their call of duty.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, L10
- Figure 1. Conceptual framework
- Table 1. Demographics
- Table 2. Descriptive summaries
- Table 3. Hypotheses
- Table 4. Test for normality
- Table 5. Regression model summary – SLC-OC
- Table 6. Regression goodness-of-fit – SLC-OC
- Table 7. Regression coefficients – SLC-OC
- Table 8. Hierarchical regression model summary
- Table 9. Hierarchical regression coefficients
- Table 10. Sobel mediation analysis
- Table 11. Summary of results – hypothesis testing
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