Modernization of social dialogue as an imperative for developing social responsibility by business organizations in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #1, pp. 487-498
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The relevance of the paper is determined by the need to modernize social dialogue in Ukraine as a means of increasing the social responsibility of business organizations and a prerequisite for the country’s sustainable socio-economic development. The paper is aimed at reviewing and systematizing effective practices of modernization of social dialogue, which are revealed in the publications of foreign and Ukrainian scientists, high-ranking officials and public figures. These practices are considered from the standpoint of their expediency and the possibility of their implementation in the processes of social interaction of organizations of employees, employers and public authorities in Ukraine.
A review of the foreign experience in organizing social dialogue convincingly demonstrates a fairly high level of efficiency in the European Union, which contributes to achieving a balance of interests of major economic actors, increasing their social responsibility. For Ukraine, it is expedient to introduce the European practice of the so-called broad approach to the organization of social dialogue, which provides for the expansion of its subjects at the expense of representatives of territorial entities, environmental, women’s, youth, cultural and other public organizations. The involvement of local governments, public and NGOs in solving the most important socio-economic problems will contribute to the spread of the practice of differentiating between social and public dialogue. In Ukraine, employee participation in corporate governance should be strengthened, access to shareholder income should be expanded, and institutional tools for regulating the collective bargaining process should be improved.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J08, А13, L14, M14, Z13
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