The effectiveness of financial and economic regulation of land relations in the context of stimulating entrepreneurial activity in the regions of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #3, pp. 11-27
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Solving the problem of enhancing the efficiency of the financial and economic regulation of land relations contributes to the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The purpose of the paper is to determine new incentives for encouraging entrepreneurial activity by increasing the efficiency of the financial and economic regulation of land relations by local governments. The study is based on applying the method for predicting amounts of local budget revenues in Ukraine from the land tax and lease fees through the use of communally owned land plots to stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives of the unemployed. In the process of research, the projected amounts of local budget revenues from financial transactions with plots of industrial lands in each region of Ukraine have been determined, taking into account the possibilities of leasing the lands, for which lease fees are covered by a one-time benefit provided to the unemployed for organizing entrepreneurial activity. It is proposed to determine the efficiency of the financial and economic regulation of land relations in the regions of Ukraine, applying indicators such as the use of industrial lands together with objects of lease located on them and the involvement of the unemployed from among the economically active population in entrepreneurial activity. To improve the efficiency of financial and economic regulation of land relations, local governments are proposed to establish the optimal proportion of amounts of borrowed resources, taking into account the need for their saving and rational use.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)R51, H72, R30
- Figure 1. Growth rates and the structure of revenues in local budgets of Ukraine
- Figure 2. Indicators of the efficient regulation of land relations associated with the use of industrial land in built-up areas, together with the lease objects located on them, UAH/m2
- Figure 3. Indicators of the efficient regulation of land relations associated with the involvement of the unemployed in entrepreneurial activity, UAH/persons
- Table 1. Projected amounts of benefits provided by UBSIF to the unemployed for organizing the entrepreneurial activity
- Table 2. Results of calculating the indicators of the efficiency of financial and economic regulation of land relations on the level of each region of Ukraine
- Table 3. Indicators of the efficiency of financial and economic regulation of land relations associated with the use of resources and involvement of the unemployed
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