Diagnostics of the enterprise personnel sustainability
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #2, pp. 382-395
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Ensuring Ukrainian enterprises’ personnel sustainability is a real challenge because the structural transformation of the labor market in the context of globalization of the world economy leads to increased competition for qualified personnel. In the Ukrainian labor market, the tendency to imbalance professional and qualification structure is the result of the progress of migration, urbanization, and demographic crisis. Thus, the study aims to develop a procedure for diagnostics and predicting the personnel sustainability of the enterprises due to the construction of the forecast model. The formation of “Predictable Model of the Personnel Sustainability” (“PMPS”), which is based on an analysis of the personnel sustainability indicators and predictors of release, was proposed. Approbation was carried out on the example of the Ukrainian enterprises of a recreational complex. The results of the personnel sustainability forecasting showed that the extent of the violation of the personnel sustainability is significant because the high projected performance of the indicators of fluctuation movement of the personnel and employee turnover changes, the structural components associated with wages indicate its further growth, and trends in the predictors of the violation of sustainability signal the possible dismissal of the personnel in the future.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)М12, М54
- Figure 1. The hierarchy of indicators of personnel sustainability
- Figure 2. Dynamics of change of indicators of the personnel sustainability “Khmilnyk Clinical Sanatorium” from 2013 to 2018
- Table 1. Indicators for evaluating the enterprise personnel sustainability
- Table 2. Predictive characteristics of changes in the personnel sustainability depending on the value of the indicator
- Table 3. Predictive characteristics of the scale of change in the personnel sustainability depending on the value of Ksc
- Table 4. Distribution of personnel sustainability indicators by structural blocks
- Table 5. Some indicators for evaluating the personnel sustainability of the enterprises (based on own calculations)
- Table 6. The data for predicting the personnel sustainability of “Khmilnyk Clinical Sanatorium” for the period 2013–2018 (based on own calculations)
- Table 7. Interpretation of indicators of the personnel sustainability by structural units
- Table 8. Generalized results of personnel sustainability forecasting of the subsidiary company “Khmilnyk Clinical Sanatorium” for 2020‒2024
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