Management of the economic potential of territories in the context of sustainable development: case of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #4, pp. 13-25
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The process of assessment of economic potential of territories and its governance is a complex task in emerging markets countries, such as Ukraine. This requires the creation of an effective evaluation system and management mechanisms. The paper aims to develop the assessment system of the economic potential of the territories under the conditions of sustainable development and the main components of its management. Methods of research are as follows: analysis, synthesis, systematization, standardization, etc. The integral indicator of the dynamics of the economic potential of Ukrainian regions assessment in the context of sustainable development is substantiated; it includes environmental, investment, institutional, innovation, cluster, infrastructure, financial, export and human capital indices. As a result three groups of regions with different levels of economic potential dynamics have been identified and clustered: regions with a high level of economic potential dynamics; regions with a stable level of economic potential dynamics; regions with low or negative levels of economic potential dynamics. The obtained results ascertain that special attention should be paid to the environmental, investment, innovation and institutional components of the economic potential management.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G18, O11
- Figure 1. Gross regional product by regions of Ukraine in 2017, in actual prices, million UAH
- Figure 2. Indicators of assessment of the export and innovation component of the economic potential of the territories of Ukraine in 2017 (the share of exports of goods using high- and medium-high-level technologies in the production of total exports of g
- Figure 3. Ranking of Ukrainian regions by economic potential of territories in 2017
- Figure 4. Ranking of the Ukrainian regions in 2017
- Table 1. Dynamics of indices of physical volume of gross regional product (in the prices of the previous year, percentage)
- Table 2. Dynamics of indicators characterizing the economic potential of the territories of Ukraine in 2007–2017
- Table 3. Indicators of assessment of the production component of the economic potential of the Ukrainian territories by branches of material production in 2017, mln UAH
- Table 4. Indicators of evaluation of investment and innovation component of the economic potential of the Ukrainian territories in 2017
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