Multisubject governance of the national tourism system
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #2, pp. 165-176
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Unstable external environment, unfavorable market conditions and escalating global competition necessitate developing new management technologies to overcome the disproportionality in the economic systems functioning. The polystructural properties of the national tourism system (NTS), as a significant component of the national economic system, require multisubject management. The mutisubject management process ensures a balanced interplay of its constituent elements and the coherence of economic entities’ interests. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to study the essence of multisubject NTS management.
It is revealed that multisubject NTS management is the process of forming and developing mutually coordinated and effective interaction of subjects of the public and private sectors, as well as consumers for the consolidated creation of tourism product based on constructive inter-subject communication.
The main groups of entities that have a managerial influence on the national tourism system, that is form multisubject management, are identified. On this basis, the configuration of multisubject NTS management and the structural and logical scheme for coordinating its participants’ interests are proposed. Given the NTS polystructural properties, the definition of the synergistic effect of integrated cooperation in the format of multisubject management is proved. According to the study results, a step-by-step procedure for estimating multisubject management is proposed, which determines the interaction level and the vector of equilibrium of the NTS entities.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L83, P47
- Figure 1. Configuration of multisubject NTS management
- Figure 2. Communication and information field for reconciling the interests of the multisubject NTS management subjects
- Table 1. A fragment of structuring the objectives of the multisubjuct NTS management actors by the level of their fulfillment
- Table 2. The results of interaction of the multisubject NTS management actors
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