Ensuring the sustainable development of the Ukrainian agrarian sector in conditions of globalization
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 245-258
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The agro-industrial complex of Ukraine with its basic component – agrarian sector is a system-forming element of the national economy. The Ukrainian agrarian sector has a production potential, which far exceeds the needs of the internal market. It is a link that can become the engine of development of the national economy and its effective integration into the world economic space. The purpose of this research is to determine the approaches to ensure sustainable development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine in the context of globalization and integration processes strengthening. The main task is to determine the problems of ensuring the sustainable development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine in the process of its integration into the world economic space. The category of “sustainability of agrarian sector development” has been considered and improved. It has been suggested to include in the classification of “sustainability of the agrarian sector” an element of the description of global integration processes. It has been proved that the sustainability of the agrarian sector development lies in the balanced combination of industrial, economic, social, environmental, intellectual and globalization processes.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O13, Q11
- Figure 1. The problems of ensuring sustainable development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine
- Figure 2. The categories of “sustainable development of the agrarian sector”
- Figure 3. Export of agrarian products of Ukraine
- Figure 4. Measures to ensure the sustainable development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine in the process of integration to European markets
- Table 1. Tariff quotas for agro-food products provided to Ukraine within the framework free trade zone with the EU
- Table 2. Value of Ukrainian exports of agrarian products Ukraine to EU, mln. USD
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