Organizational culture and job satisfaction among academic professionals at a South African university of technology
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #2, pp. 148-161
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The South African higher education sector introduced structural changes, which resulted in the creation of universities of technology, (hereafter referred to as UoTs). There, however, has the not been any known studies that investigated organizational culture and job satisfaction among academic professionals at these new types of institutions in the country. This study’s main objective was to determine perceptions of organizational culture and their impact on job satisfaction among academic professionals at a University of Technology in the Free State Province, South Africa. The study’s respondents had positive perceptions of the organizational culture with academic professionals showing satisfaction with co-worker relations, supervision support and the work itself, as well as moderate satisfaction with the available advancement opportunities. Academic professionals were, however, dissatisfied with the salaries they were receiving. A significant correlation between overall organizational culture and job satisfaction was found.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12
- Table 1. Mean values for organizational culture
- Table 2. Mean values of job satisfaction
- Table 3. Correlation of organizational culture and job satisfaction indices
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