Organizational attractiveness: an empirical study on employees attitudes in lithuanian business sector

  • Received February 21, 2017;
    Accepted March 23, 2017;
    Published June 7, 2017
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 15 2017, Issue #2, pp. 4-18
  • Cited by
    9 articles

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Measurement of employer’s attractiveness has been given much attention in many countries all over the world, but there was no extensive research performed in Lithuania so far, providing empirical evidence to define the landscape of organizational attractiveness in Lithuanian business sector. The aim of this study (N = 1020 respondents) is to identify which dimensions make organizations attractive as employers in Lithuanian business sector. The article employs a research approach based on a postpositivistic perspective. The relevant literature on organizational attractiveness is critically reviewed, analyzed, compared and generalized. Addressing research aim, a scale to measure organizational attractiveness as an employer was developed and administered in Lithuanian business sector in such a manner. Existing methodologies measuring organizational attractiveness were analyzed composing a list of 67 dimensions. Using content validity, scale comprising 30 dimensions was developed to measure organizational attractiveness of companies in Lithuanian business sector. A telephone interview survey method for data collection was used. Descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, and frequencies) is used to analyze the data of the survey. 30 dimensions of organizational attractiveness were rank-ordered according to their means in descending order from most important to least important drivers of employer’s attractiveness. Specifically, the results suggested that good working atmosphere, adequate salary and interesting job are key to the attractiveness as an employer of business companies in Lithuania as perceived by their employees. The article also discusses the implications of the findings.

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    • Table 1. Organizational attraction metatheories
    • Table 2. Measurement of organizational attractiveness
    • Table 3. Demographic characteristics of the sample
    • Table 4. Descriptive statistics for employee attitudes towards dimensions of organizational attractiveness in descending order
    • Table 5. Frequency distribution of employees’ attitudes towards employers attractiveness
    • Table 6. Frequency distribution of employee’s recommendations of the current employer as a good place to work
    • Table 7. Correlations