Land fragmentation in Ukraine: agricultural land-use management and jurisprudence issues
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #2, pp. 102-109
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Land parcels fragmentation problem in different agriclimatic zones of Ukraine is reviewed; general pattern, as well as regional specific is outlined. Land management of fragmented parcels in agricultural use is discussed, including land ownership and jurisprudence issues of land consolidation. Three key plots were chosen to analyze issues of land fragmentation, geospatial data shown demonstrate need for land consolidation to optimize agricultural land-use of such territories. Specificity fragmentation of land for agricultural companies, located in the mountainous regions of Ukraine, is noted. Gaps in the legal regulation of relation connected with land fragmentation were disclosed. Problems of land inheritance in the context of fragmentation, exchange of land resources as a tool for effective functioning of land market, the small and medium producers, economic development and agriculture in general; the creation of a land bank is regarded as a factor in reducing fragmentation of land were examined.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)K32
- Figure 1. Cadastral map of key plot 1
- Figure 2. Orthophoto image of key plot 1
- Figure 3. Cadastral map of key plot 2
- Figure 4. Orthophoto image of key plot 2
- Figure 5. Cadastral map of key plot 3
- Figure 6. Orthophoto image of key plot 3
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