The role of leadership qualities of the management in preserving and ensuring the functionality of relocated Ukrainian higher education institutions during the war
Article InfoVolume 23 2025, Issue #2 (spec. issue), pp. 100-120
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The war in Ukraine has led to significant changes in the functioning of higher education institutions. Many universities from the eastern and southern regions of the country were forced to relocate to safer areas. The study examines the role of leadership qualities of the management of Ukrainian HEIs relocated due to the war on their success in functioning in the new conditions from the perspective of the academic staff. The research methods included an anonymous online questionnaire of 162 academic staff members from Berdiansk State Pedagogical University and Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky. The study identified leadership qualities that HEI staff identified as key to stabilizing the institution’s operations in crisis conditions. Responsibility was named by 53.09% of respondents, and strategic thinking by 44.44%. Also, it was found that respondents, in general, positively assessed the results of leadership actions of management in difficult conditions: 29.6% rated them as “very effective” and 54.3% as “effective.” Despite the overall successful adaptation of the studied HEIs, weaknesses in management decisions were revealed, including insufficient emotional support for academic staff and the absence of developed crisis action plans. The study’s conclusions emphasize the importance of further developing professional and moral-volitional qualities of management representatives for effective HEI governance in crisis conditions. The findings may be useful in creating specialized professional development programs for HEI managers in conditions of political, economic, and other instability.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I23, I25, I29, O15
- Figure 1. Respondent answers to the question: “How do you assess the adaptation of the management of your HEIs to the challenges caused by war and relocation?”
- Figure 2. Respondent answers to the question: “To what extent do you agree with the statement: “The leadership qualities of the management significantly affect the success of HEI in relocation conditions?”
- Figure 3. Respondent answers to the question: “To what extent did the leadership qualities of your management have impacted the academic performance of HEI under relocation conditions?”
- Figure 4. Distribution of priorities of professional, moral and volitional, individual and personal leadership qualities of the management of relocated HEIs
- Figure 5. Providing emotional support to academic staff of relocated HEIs
- Table 1. Characteristics of respondents
- Table 2. Key themes and respondents’ feedback on the most successful decisions of the management during the HEIs relocation
- Table 3. Assessment of the demonstration of leadership qualities of the management of relocated HEIs
- Table 4. Distribution of the significance of specific professional leadership qualities of the management of relocated HEIs
- Table 5. Distribution of significance for specific moral and volitional leadership qualities of the management of relocated HEI
- Table 6. Distribution of the importance of specific individual and personal leadership qualities of the management of HEI
- Table 7. Key categories of other leadership qualities of the management of relocated HEIs
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