“Turquoise negotiations” – their features & case study
Article InfoVolume 1 2017, Issue #1, pp. 14-22
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
The paper aims at characterizing specific type of negotiations, i.e., the ones conducted within a turquoise organization, which is a new, specific model of the functioning of modern institutions. Firstly, an organization of this type was described as both negotiations environment and party. Secondly, the features of turquoise negotiations were discussed in the frame of their different interpretations, i.e., as a process, a method of conflict resolution and reaching agreement, interdependence of the parties, and processes of decision making, communication, mutual exchange and value creation. Thirdly, a case study was presented concerning sales negotiation of turquoise nature within a company from IT sector. The summary comprises a synthesis of the features of turquoise negotiations and indicates the directions of further research.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M191
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