Concentration on the Ukrainian higher education services market: Institutional and financial dimensions
Article InfoVolume 9 2025, Issue #1, pp. 76-92
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
During the pandemic and russia’s war against Ukraine, higher education shifted to hybrid and distance learning, with some universities forced to adapt or relocate from occupied territories. This article analyzes the institutional, spatial, and financial aspects of Ukraine’s higher education market (1990–2023), focusing on financial data from 2020–2023 across 24 regions and Kyiv, excluding occupied territories. The calculated results based on concentration levels and the Herfindahl-Hirschman index for the number of educational institutions, students, and postgraduate students showed that the higher education market is highly competitive, with an uneven geographical distribution between regions. The analysis of the level of concentration of financial resources among higher education institutions, calculated based on state funding, showed that the distribution of financial resources among universities is relatively even (in 2023, the 20 largest higher education institutions accumulated more than 43.5% of total state funding). The share of state resources aimed at developing the scientific potential of higher education institutions decreased for the 20 largest higher education institutions from 58% in 2020 to 55% in 2022. Non-parametric correlation analysis revealed a low correlation between the amount of general funding for higher education institutions and the amount of revenues to the special fund for research, which indicates insufficient support and prioritization of the scientific sector in the country. These conclusions can be used in implementing the reform (balancing and optimization) of the existing educational network in Ukraine, which has been actively pursued in recent years.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I20, I23, I25
- Figure 1. Dynamics of the number of HEIs and students in Ukraine for the 1990/91–2023/24 academic years
- Figure 2. Dynamics of the number of research institutions and HEIs with postgraduate programs and the number of postgraduate students in Ukraine for the 2005/06–2023/24 academic years
- Figure 3. Histogram of frequency distribution by the indicator of institutional-spatial concentration of HEIs, students, and postgraduate students in Ukraine’s regions as of the 2023/24 academic year
- Figure 4. Ratio of financial provision of higher education in Ukraine as of 2021
- Figure 5. Verification of compliance with the normal law of distribution of indicators of concentration of the Ukrainian higher education market
- Table 1. Levels of regional concentration by the number of HEIs and SIs in the Ukrainian educational services market for 2020/21 and 2022/23 academic years
- Table 2. Comparison of the levels of concentration of financial resources aimed at ensuring the overall functioning of HEIs
- Table 3. List of the twenty HEIs with the highest concentration of financial resources in terms of total funding in 2023
- Table 4. Comparison of levels of concentration of financial resources aimed at developing the scientific potential of HEIs
- Table 5. Correlation matrix between the calculated levels of concentration of financial resources of HEIs and their applicants
- Table A1. Results of using the Shapiro-Wilk criterion for the input data to check compliance with the normal distribution law of the selected indicators of higher education market concentration
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Knowledge and Performance Management